Physical Therapy does it again
I had taken a single (1) Excedrin Extra Strength tablet Sunday night (11:30 PM - July 17, 2005) and awoke Monday with a mild headache. I was scheduled for Physical Therapy at 8:30 AM and decided to not take anything until after my appointment.
The focus of the therapy was my neck and head this time and after a 30 minute session my head felt clear again. This was a joyous feeling for me, though I try to temper my excitement with cynicism, just in case! :-)
At the end of session, the Therapist suggested that I use the tennis balls at the base of my skull when I feel headache pain. She advised me to lie down and place the balls together under my head, just above the hollow at the back of the neck. Two to five minutes per treatment was advised, as an attempt to duplicate the seeming success of my first Physical Therapy session.
Actually got through Monday with little pain and it was evening before the "pressure" feeling returned. Went to bed at 11:30 PM without taking Excedrin. Did take my daily Verapamil at 7:30 PM.
I woke up at 4:15 AM Tuesday with mild headache and some neck pain. Sat at desk for about an hour and returned to bed for another hour without taking anything for pain.
Got up at 6:30 AM feeling worse in both neck and head. After breakfast I tried lying on the floor with the tennis balls under my head for five minutes, but with no apparent change. Frustrated, I read for a while and then left at 9 AM for a Neurologist appointment.
Will continue in next posting when I return.
Have a PAINFREE Day,
- Frank
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