Friday, July 15, 2005

One Good Day

Actually had a whole day with no major PAIN and only slight traces of the pressure or squeezed feelings in my head. I may not have described this in this blog, but for the past few years (at least two), even when I don't have an actual headache, I almost always have a feeling that my head is being held in a pair of ice tongs or pincers. My recent learning about the function of the dura mater certainly could explain this feeling. And the thorough "working" of the spine by the Physical Therapist yesterday might explain the pleasant absence of this feeling for most of yesterday.

Anyway, as I was saying, I had an almost normal day and did some productive reading and work on various projects. By late last evening the pressure had returned and by 11:30 PM some headache had returned. I took a single Excedrin Extra Strength tablet at that time and went to bed.

I awoke at 4:30 AM (a long night of sleep by my standards), with a painful knot of cramped muscles in my right calf. I leapt out of bed and paced around the house until this loosened up and realized that I had a severe upper cranial headache. I took two (2) more Excedrin tablets at 4:45 AM and hope that will knock out the pain as I write this. My Google research on leg cramps, indicates that I may need to stretch and exercise a bit to lessen this problem.

It is now 5:30 AM and the Excedrin has kicked in and I feel a bit better - back to just head pressure, but the pain has dissipated. I'm already regretting having used the Excedrin again, but hope I can sneak another portion of a day with minimal pain.

A glance at the daily news almost always makes me appreciate the trivial nature of my head and other pains.

Have a PAIN FREE day,

- Frank

Reference Links:

"dura mater" - A simple dictionary definition
"nocturnal leg cramps" - A Google find that discusses this issue


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